CEO/information architect, Concent Inc., and Information Architect Sponsor


Mr. Hasegawa is the CEO and information architect for Concent Inc., an “architect office in the Web era.”

Mr. Hasegawa received his Master’s degree in physics from the Graduate School of Science at Tohoku University, and his Ph.D. in cognitive science from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Tokyo.

Mr. Hasegawa started as an information architect in 2000, and founded Concent Inc. in 2002. He handles website projects and information product design by integrating visual communication and information architecture. He also assists Internet marketing and branding for business enterprises based on user research and information architecture designs. As a leading expert in information architect in Japan, he investigates and promotes information architecture. He is a sponsor of Information Architecture Association Japan (iaaj.org), member of the Information Architect Institute (USA), councilor of Human Centered Design Organization (HCDNet).

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    Dec. 11, 13:30 – 14:30


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